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Liqueurs (sweet)

Liqueurs come in three basic categories ..

Strong : 33-45% abv, with 31-55% sugar,
Dessert : 25-30% abv, with 32-50% sugar, or
Creme : 20-23% abv, with 50-60% sugar.

They can be either simply macerated with the flavour, or some are redistilled afterwards too.
They can be made using
  1. fruit & berries,
  2. herbs,
  3. citrus, or
  4. spices,
  5. nuts & seeds,
  6. emulsions using cream or eggs

Citrus Liqueurs

Wal writes ...

Using Nuts

Wal writes .. For Frangelico, Tom suggests :


From Uncle Jessie ... Wal adds ...


Wal writes ...


Southern Comfort

Wal writes ...




Combine the coffee, vanilla essence and sprits into a large jar, seal tight a store for a week, shaking daily. After a week filter the liquid (without the sedement). Into the bottle with the remaining sedement, add half of the water (250 mL), when settled, filter the liquid (without the sedement). Add the other half of the water, and filter. Discard the sedement. Dissolve the sugar in the coffee extract and add the milk. Shake well and store in a cool dark place for one week, until settled. Filter the liquid and store. Liqueur gains taste after standing of a long time, best after 3-6 months.

Wal writes ...

Dates & Raisins


(pronounced Oosùkeùbah -- Gaelic for "water of life") Place all ingredients except musk, ambergreece, and sugar in 1 gallon jug. Cover with vodka. Let stand in a cool place for 10 days. Shake well twice a day. Strain into second container. Add sugar. Allow to clear. Sources: The Queens Closet Opened, W. M., 1655, p. 23

Wal offers a slightly different alternative .. As a whisky cordial (in pursuit of a Drambuie), he's found .. Wal writes ..

Using Spices


Wal writes ...

Spiced Rum

Wal writes ... Place a few sprigs of fresh rosemary in a bottle of rum. Makes a great rum'n coke.

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum apparently contains cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. Another combination found in other spiced rums is cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla. In the West Indies the common flavoring spice added to rum is cinnamon or rosemary.

Here is a recipe for a Spiced Rum (Ron con Especias) from

3) Spiced Rum Make a slit in vanilla bean. Scrape pulp into a glass jar. Add bean only and remaining ingredients and cover. Infuse for at least 2 weeks. Strain and bottle.

Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Wal writes ..
Stolen from Basic Brewing: Introduction to Meads, Wines, Beers, Cordials, and Exotics.


Place cinnamon sticks in container. Cover with vodka. Let stand for 1 week. Strain into second container. Add sugar and honey. Allow to clear.
Wal also offers ...
Honey Vodka
Preparing the essence : Combine all ingredients and dissolve in the sprits as much as possible INGREDIENTS: (for 1 litre of product) METHOD
In an enamel pot pour the water (200 mL) and bring to boil. Add honey, the pot should be at least double the height of the water as to prevent the honey from boiling over. For prefect results, bring the honey to boil and boil for about a dozen minutes, until all the froth is gone, then turn off the heat. After the honey has slightly cooled, add lemon juice and essence. Then slowly pour the sprits into the honey, constantly stirring. Bottle the drink into large bottles and leave for approx 3-6 months, until nice and transparent. As the solution can not be easily filtered, the clear liquid should be syphoned into another bottle, and only the remaining drink filtered. The amount of essence added depends on the samplers personal taste, for those who prefer a strong root flavour upto 10 mL of essence may be added.

Emulsions with Eggs or Cream

Whiskey liqueurs - Bailey's Irish Cream

Wal writes ... Bill offers ... OldManStranger offers similar ...


Wal writes ...

Atholl Brose

Mc Wal writes ...     This page last modified